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import {InsertionResult} from 'jstreemap/src/public/insertion-result.js'
public class | source


An instance of this class reports whether insert operation was successful. if a node was added, or an existing one replaced then an iterator is provided. Otherwise the value of iterator is undefined

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(wasAdded: Boolean, wasReplaced: Boolean, iterator: Iterator)

Default constructor

Member Summary

Public Members

{Iterator} instance pointing to the newly added node


Boolean flag indicating whether an element was added


Boolean flag indicating whether an existing node was updated

Public Constructors

public constructor(wasAdded: Boolean, wasReplaced: Boolean, iterator: Iterator) source

Default constructor


wasAdded Boolean
wasReplaced Boolean
iterator Iterator

only provided if the node was added, or replaced

Public Members

public iterator: * source

{Iterator} instance pointing to the newly added node

public wasAdded: * source

Boolean flag indicating whether an element was added

public wasReplaced: * source

Boolean flag indicating whether an existing node was updated